We are an autism and learning disabilities friendly practice working with other local partners to ensure patients have appropriate, adaptable and accessible healthcare provided within their GP surgery.
Registered patients with a learning disability will be invited to Fort House Surgery for annual health checks with a GP who has a special interest in learning disabilities.
People with a learning disability can sometimes find it hard to know when they are ill and may find it hard to tell someone about it. It is very important to go to your annual health check every year so you and your doctor can find any problems early to help you.
Watch these films to find out how great annual health checks and health action plans are helping Charlotte and Harshi to keep healthy and well. Go to the Surrey County Council website to watch the videos.
We have produced a photo guide showing how Fort House surgery is able to support patients.
Excellent advice can be found to support people with learning disabilities and autism on the Surrey County Council website – Learning disability and autism hub – Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)